Hopping Heights

Hopping Heights is a 1st-person shooter, puzzle-solving game developed in Unreal Engine. Users can travel through vents, collect keycards, stun enemies, and unlock their way into an elevator that leads to the next level.

Project Deliverable

3D Game Design, Level Design, Motion Design

Tools Used

Unreal Engine, Maya, Adobe Photoshop


Spring 2024 (13 weeks)


Programmers: Marissa, Lina

UX/Level Designer: Lina

Artists: Sharon, Samira, Bonnie



After a failed mission, a rookie spy is determined to take down a greedy and corrupt organization, “The Snakeheads”. Teaming up with the crime boss’s estranged son, the player must travel up each floor of The Snakehead’s skyscraper headquarters, overcoming harder challenges and enemies as they progress. Can they reach the top and confront the mastermind?

My Role

As the Level and UX Designer, I was responsible for designing map blueprints and ideating game mechanics. I built multiple prototypes in Unreal Engine, conducted user testing, and refined the design based on feedback. Later in production, I expanded my role to include sound design and video editing, creating a fully immersive experience and promotional material.

My Overall Process

Ideation & Level Blueprinting

Map Building & Prototyping

User Testing & Feedback

Design & Editing

Development & Presentation

Level Design

Modeling, texturing, and lighting using Autodesk Maya and Unreal Engine.

Final Design